Originally Posted by porkmarras
1- Because they take but never bring anything new to the table
2- Because listening to Sonic Youth doesn't generally prove that you aren't prone to mental deficiencies.
3- Because you are delusional.
4- Because the inspiration that you think you got from listening to SY or(name what is generally the cool musical geography for times that HAVE gone a while ago or have managed an existence for themselves in in order to sell) is little more than slightly more sophisticated music listening.
5-Because,let's face it,you haven't got the talent to carry it on even though you think of yourself as being a smartass(arse?) because you have a university degree and limited wit to translate bar chat into actual talent.
6-Because lo-fi doesn't make your songs sound any better than the crap they already sound.
7-Because you have,after all,deep limitations in taste and musicianship and therefore just accept that as a nice way to say that you UNDERSTAND(erm....) things.
Let he who is without sin [by which I mean a liking for Belle and Sebastian] cast the first stone, Mr Marras...
Yeah! Jeck for all though. I'm having that. Can we chuck a bit of Jandek at the bastards as well?