I hate cars. My ex-girlfriend lost her two best friends in seperate accidents, my dad lost his girlfriend in one back in college, I lost an old friend (granted, one that I hadn't seen in about five years) in one a month ago. One of my best friends in high school hit a big rig while going 80 (him not the truck - he was a Neal Cassady-type driver) and was in a coma for weeks. Fucking hate um.
I've been a passanger in a minor fender-bender, and I've caused one. The one I caused was pretty bad. Turned left on a solid green while distracted and got nailed at 40 mph on the right side. Luckily, no one was in the passager seat. No one got hurt.
Also, I saw a van turn 90 degrees from the left lane of a busy freeway and cross all 4 lanes, miraculously not getting hit. He did hit the wall on the right side, though. No idea what happened there or why it did that.