Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
Truncated, you are missing out on being friends with some nice people because of your choice. Dating is another thing, but not associating? That is taking it a little far.
I don't think so.
As I said, I don't blanketly discriminate against all Catholics, or members of any particular religion. I'm merely saying that for those who do hold beliefs that I'm opposed to, I would not hesitate to cite their religion as a reason why I didn't get along with them. I might, for example, find it difficult to get along with someone who held steadfastly to the antiquated notion of divorce being wrong, even in extreme cases like abuse, simply because it was dictated by their religious affiliation. That's an indication of a mentality that simply doesn't mesh well with my own, and for me, that's a perfectly valid reason to choose not to interact with someone.