Originally Posted by Hip Priest
That's a very good thread title, but I've never heard of 'Loose Change'. I assume it's a film though. Have you seen 'The Mummy Returns' or 'Get Shorty'? They really are a waste of time, in my humble.
Weird, seeing my post in a signiature. Strange.
Ummm, Loose Change is this "documentary" made my some lame-ass college kid. It is a conspiracy theory that the events of 9/11 were orchestrated by the Bush administration. This kid narrates the whole thing and has this dumb spooky techno/ trip hop music in the background to make his points more spine tingling or some shit. After he makes a point, he asks in this dumb-ass voice "Coincidence?" but he tries to do it in a cool documentarian voice, making himself just sound like a dumbass. Or he would say "Do you still think that X really happened like you saw on TV?"
There are also a lot of 2+2=5 moments where he takes some assumptions.