Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
movies, due to their creation process requiring dozens of not hundreds of :hands" to make the movie happen, are far more "craft" than "art."
nah man, if that is the case then so is opera or orchestral music
film is the total work of art that baudelaire dreamed of and attempted to ascribe to wagnerian operas
Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
The people trying to make film "art" usually fail spectacularly.
for sure
Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Warhol's films suck ass.
important yes but super boring for sure
Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
even the Cremaster series is boring as fuck, and pointless.
the cremaster series is just plain fucking boring (great film stills though)
the other one where he fucks bjork and they turn into whales otoh is horny as hell and not boring at all, it's the greatest porno ever lol
well maybe not the greatest hahahaha but close