The first part of an in-progress epic (the two chapters I saw on Sunday - at about the fourth public screening of this film ever - clocked in at four and a half hours in length). A microbudget personalised drama about being a trans woman and being hurt, and dealing with it by hurting other people in your life. There's a section where our antiheroine is scrolling through 4chan and it was a uniquely horrifying experience to see at least half a dozen things I recognised in that one minute. It can be a bit of a grind to sit through - especially the first, seemingly unrelated chapter about a man's collapse into being an incel - and obviously a cisgender audience would be unlikely to connect with it in the same way I did, but it really scratched at a few thoughts I've been having and I'm glad this film exists.
The movie's
pay what you want on Gumroad, and the filming of part 2 is in progress - I think you get access to everything, eventually, if you pay now.