Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
This was one of the best ideas I've ever had.
videodrome x10000000000000000
i'd like shrek better if it wasn't so pushily meta. everything wink wink nod nod. it's like... who quotes or remembers stuff like the tiny toons? nobody, that's who. not sure if that's where that meta plague started in kids cartoons
the good shrek is the main shrek story of the ogre without all the hollywood bullshit "jokes"
lmao why am i so angry at this
but anyway lol hell yes videodrome
my take on lynch's absence of colored folks is that his childhood didn't feature many. he harks back to a kind of 50s americana and looks at the rot underneath. what does lynch know of the black experience or whatever? it would have been presumptuous of him to attempt it
whereas something like that cacky 90s show "friends" is otoh unforgivable in its bizarro world depiction of new york, given that it wasnt an auteur driven production. seinfeld also depicts a very insular world but it does not grate the same way for some reason
new york is actually more segregated than, say, washington dc