Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
I love that Tarantino operates purely on wish fulfilment for his teenage self, he's an obnoxious little freak and it's so great.
That he certainly is. A bit too obnoxious for my liking, but that's a tangent. Hey, whatever helps you cope - movies do it for me too. It's nice to just get lost in a piece of entertainment that has nothing to do with the bullshit out there. I'd wager Tarantino really scratches that escapist wish-fulfillment itch for a lot of people. I can see that.
PS: They often don't necessarily take people who'd be great at the job. It's all a connection/appearance/circumstantial thing. It's on how well you can bullshit your way through a couple of bullshit questions. Many places are looking for someone who can be as dishonest as it gets whilst giving off the appearance of being perfectly honest. Wanting to say: Don't take it too personal/too hard.