Originally Posted by Genteel Death 2
Just some isolated harmless fun!
i often have trouble missing the tone of british posters
for example, here i can't tell if:
a) you're being sarcastic about my implication that these monsters are isolated cases, hence implying it's a widespread systematic thing with members of our sex,
b) you're making a joke about the gay rapist being isolated harmless fun, while the hetero rapist remains the monster
anyway, b) would be a very funny joke (i laughed at the "excuse"). to me, b) wins
but anyway a penis cam surveillance would quickly be subverted for perverted purposes im sure
imagine the oceans of troll porn and leaked footage. perfectly loving and consensual partners being intruded upon by government cops like in some stasi operation. or imagine the blackshirts falling upon your communist cock as you're absentmindedly pissing in a public toilet. ooof!