Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i love you peoples, *and for that reason* i must tell you: that school of art criticism is super tiresome, and frankly adds nothing 
Buddy - this is commentary (especially the Robert Blake part, which was meant as a piece of trivia), not actual criticism. And re-evaluating films after a while is a pretty common thing, always has been. A short couple of sentences can NEVER fully convey how one fully feels about a movie. I still really like Lost Highway and those cameos/spotlights were a product of their time - no real fault on part of the movie in general. But I think it is important to consume media consciously. I can like something and still comment on how some of its aspects have aged poorly given further context over time. We go into this as human beings with strong feelings and opinions about something, not some perma-neutral entity. If we were the latter, watching movies would be an anhedonic quest rather than joy/inspiration/escapism/food for thought. Plus, this is a dinosaur of a forum where people blurt out their opinions like there's no tomorrow. It comes with the territory. Deal with it
That said: Love ya too.