Originally Posted by Skuj
You choose ignore. I choose engage/oppose. Sue me.
Calling me a moron there and MENTALLY ILL (your caps) here is mind-boggling. And I'm starting to wonder if some other person is posting with your handle. I thought I had an inkling of who you are. I was wrong, obviously.
same here! i thought you were smart! and maybe you are, but you are also obsessive to a level that makes you act in extremely stupid ways
the reason im calling you mentally ill is because of your post in the fecal thread. you said he was mentslly ill, younsaid the magas are mentslly ill, okay. but does it occur to you that being obsessed with the magas and abandoning your senses to chase after their shadows is also mentally ill?
i understand maybe your heart is in the right place, don quijote, but the question is: what did you do with your brain? you're a chess player! and *that* is your move? that is precisely the mind boggling thing! nobody wants that thread-- not even you! and yet... you keep refloating that turd? over and over?
you're... you're supposed to be a chess player! and that is your move? that? the fool's mate?!?! while playing both sides of the board? (because it's just you really, fighting a coprolite)
the fool's mate!! nuts!! NUTS
listen, i expect you're going to keep arguing your side. but please don't. really, no argument or justification can undo that blunder