Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
For a change in quality, I watched Deck the Halls (2006) today - .
ew. why?
Originally Posted by _tunic_
I watched "the fourth man" when I was a child (wish I could remember how old I was), and the image of someone getting decapitated in a car has stuck with me ever since. Except that after seeing the fragment, I thought it was glass plates, perhaps that was in a different movie? Would like to see it again, but only if it was shown on TV, which it never is. His best or at least most famous Dutch movies are Turkish Fruit and Soldier Of Orange. Both star Rutger Hauer but the content is entirely different. Lots of nakedness in the first, Second World War in the other.
Actually don't think I've ever seen either of them, because I dislike watching Dutch language movies in general.
ah! here it's called turkish delight. yes that's like a long erotic movie with a sad ending, i cant remember completely but yeah it's hm well, like a movie made by a hippie kinda, hahaha. not the same spirit as his other films. i have not seen soldier of orange
i think the decapitated glass plate is the exorcist? or the omen? the omen maybe in the excavation site or something?
ok i found it hahaha