Originally Posted by verme (prevaricator)
It might not be the truth but you have to admit he knows how to tell a good story.
Here I dedicate this one to you:

is my old fullerene icon propping up the illuminati or the us dollar? either way i like the red eyes
now please make us a really good one if you can, special request, and animate bono and sachs driving off a cliff together like thelma and louise?
(funny thing is i have nothing against bono. i haven't seen the man since nineteen clackety clack. so i have zero grasp of the european animosity towards him. i did like some old u2 albums in the 90s and went to a live show in dc and that was basically it)
but cmon thelma and louise sachs and bono. with a big wet kiss and poop explosions. ai is endless!