Originally Posted by Antagon
While I do think there would be a couple of candidates up to that task (like I said, not a huge Bidenite), I'm not sure they'd rally the voters on such short notice. It would take a candidate so undeniably popular that mere months of campaigning and a complete overhaul of the entire strategy that late in the game don't seem such a herculean task.
I know Michelle Obama is massively popular, but there haven't been any attempts or even whispers of intentions to run. I love me some Bernie, but I'm aware that at this point, this is pretty much a pipe dream. He'd have a shit ton of rallies and his own party's seeming dislike for him (assuming he'd run as a Dem again) to contend with. Gavin Newsom seems to be the most likely candidate right now based on whispers and murmurs, and he ... is divisive to say the least. Better than Trump? Always and without question. But a sparkling personality that could sway voters with ease? Afraid not.
bernie is too leftie, kamala is unpopular, newsom seems a bit of a douche, but anyone who can stand up straight and speak with a loud and clear voice would be an improvement
i've seen the name of senator mark kelly of arizona bandied about already. i dont know if you remember he entered the public consciousness when his wife gabby giffords was shot in the head by some lunatic. anyway he's an astronaut and navy captain and a centrist. az senator since 2020. i think if he can appeal to arizona voters he could bring on the undecided voters nationally
having said that, i don't know how good he is at television bulshitting and charisma, a requirement these days, but at least on paper looks competent and reasonable which is all we really need to run a country of laws with longstanding institutions which needs no micromanaging by a wannabe dictator