Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
What a shock. Who could have possibly foreseen this.
it was a shock to me because i expected a lot better. biden can read a teleprompter and sound cogent, but last night under the lights he looked like a mummy who could not reply to trump's utter lunacies in a clear and cogent manner. in the previous election he did, but the last 4 years have taken their heavy toll
really it doesn't matter who was right or "i told you so" though. because this is a real world emergency and it is happening and it' pointless to hand out awards and medals. it will affect you too if the beast is back, and you will experience many meltdowns even from your antipodean hideaway. there is no place to hide from 'merica, really... australia is a us ally (aukus hi)
sure biden's term has hardly been perfect, but if experience has showed me anything is that things can always get worse. and i'll always choose imperfection over catastrophe
i know you're young and still believe that utopias are possible if we just wish for them, but people are assholes and real life is an unforgiving fucking bastard. so i've been overall happy with biden's administration
and now i don't know what's going to happen
but trust me, if disaster comes it will come for you too. so don't be snarky and get ready, because it's coming "bigly" (ugh...). this is the big meteorite
anyway my mind has now adjusted from the shock of last night but i'm taking the day off for the body to recover (because stress is chemical and has bodily consequences)
jeezus fucking christ. it's like that peter weir movie with the wave, whatsisname. the last wave! jeeezus fucking christ. fascism is coming, and it will touch EVERYONE. no use in crying, we just have to get ready