Originally Posted by Drjohnrock
Interesting read. I do call bullshit on Thurston and his "baloney sandwich"/working class nonsense. I visited the Miami area twice a year growing up and can tell you that Coral Gables was (and probably still is) an affluent suburb of Miami.
Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
Fairfield County, Connecticut, where he moved as a teenager, is in the twenty richest counties in the States on average...
hold on there you maoist red guards, put down your dumb pitchforks
t's father was a professor, i think i remember he taught flute maybe? coral gables is home to the university of miami, there are a number of college csmpuses in fairfield
the music department does not pay fortunes, much less in non-elite schools, but professors generally live around campus. same as the students, who are rarely loaded, and yet dwell in the same zip codes. academia generally grants more social prestige than money. for all we know, the moores might have lived in faculty housing at some juncture
and back during the 50s and 60s and into the 70s, even a working class job could support a nonworking spouse. so let's not try to cast aspersions that professor moore may have been some sort of united fruit company tycoon or a commuting wall street corporate raider just because of his location. he was, indeed, a music teacher
as for baloney: i grew up comfortably (upper?) middle class and loooved to eat mortadella (mortadella is the original "bologna" aka "baloney"...).
now my traditionalist father wouldn't have tolerated a mere cold sammich as "dinner", he always expected a proper evening meal as just recompense for his daily professional efforts, and he was old school anyway, but we the kids would often get away with evening sandwiches and milk with ovaltine and things like that, especially on weekends when my mother didn't feel like cooking and the maid had the day off. and mortadella was fucking great!
so maybe t's parents being more boho musical and less bourgeois than business executive types could just regularly chow on baloney and chill whenever they felt like it. why the fuck not? fun times, and fewer dishes to wash. now if you think processed meats signify actual misery... maybe you're the actual snob? and what's your take on the hotdog? très gauche caviar le lol
fuck, it's the middle of the night and i want a baloney bowl now. thanks matty matheson for the recipe, you hilarious guy. anybody reading this, look for the matty matheson baloney bowl youtube, he will not disappoint. oh well to save everyone time, here it is
anyway, now that you wannabe cultural revolutionaries know my economic background ("management") you may be itching to sentence me to a reeducation camp to dig ditches and eat only turnips, but i shall let you know that i don't give 3 fucks about your pol pots, i owe nobody an explanation, i live like a pirate, and if you approach me with ill intentions you will be shot in the gut with 00 buckshot, and then maybe you'll join the mortadella, hahahahaaaa. just metaphorically of course, im not leatherface, so don't cry wolf now, jeezus fucking christ, professional victims...
Originally Posted by Beer In Belly
and you, with that sort of sad sack tabloid discourse bouncing inside the otherwise empty chatterbox of your mind no wonder you have to drink so much