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Old 02.02.2024, 09:45 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by _slavo_
We've been thinking of relocating to Switzerland permanently as the situation in my home country is slowly turning to big shit. But it's a hard decision and I'm a bit afraid to do such a big move with kids and all that.
i'm so happy to hear that you have that option available... regardless of what you end up doing, having options/not being stuck is a great thing

as for the kids and all that... maybe first acclimate them to switzerland without actually moving there? take them there on vacations, teach them the language/culture, etc? then one day maybe you can see if you take the plunge? they have to eventually become european/international anyway, at some future (eventual) point in their lives, so a little early exposure goes a long way

there's a decision making method called "ooching." it's when you do a little bit of something, without committing 100% to it, not even 50%, not even 10% maybe. you just dip your toe in it, then maybe a whole foot, if things go well you go up to the knees in the water, hahaha. eventually you can decide to take a full splash and swim or walk back to the shore. it doesn't have to be all or nothing, not at first anyway

you've already established a connection to the alps. maybe just start using it a bit more, in a fun way, stress free?

then maybe consider what's your tripwire, what is the point where you would say "time to go", where the cost justifies the benefit. there's a long explanation for it but it's about metrics... better explained by someone else, see:

there's a decision making book by the heath brothers that explains this and many other techniques for good decision-making. i've mentioned it on this board often, i think. there is other related literature that's been published afterwards, but this book will help you tons, i promise:

read it, i swear by it. *i swear by it*


eta (later): i'm almost sure i've recommended you this book before haha
did you get to read it back then? if not, please don't postpone it, i beg you
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