My family's been going through Christmas movies as part of our weekly rotation, since it's the season -
Love Actually in the first week of December (which is pleasant enough, even if I was worried it'd make me cry - I've been doing that a lot lately),
Violent Night in the second (surprisingly tender and generally fun, although I preferred
Cocaine Bear for gratuitously violent recent films),
Elf in the third (always outstanding), and this Friday we're watching
The Muppet Christmas Carol (possibly the greatest film ever made).
In my own time, though, I watched
The Social Network hanging out at a girl's house a few weeks ago, and it's a brilliant film - I respected that there was no build up and it just throws you right into the mess, Eisenberg and (particularly) Timberlake both act really well, the cinematography and score work great together to add to the paranoid vibe throughout. Really compelling, although I admit that some other things took my attention in the last half hour...