Doing ambivalent as of late. Lots of anxieties compounding, battling depressive states and the super-judgemental, hyper-corporate makeup of a lot of societal structures are becoming unbearably evident and omnipresent.
On the flipside, I have pretty awesome friends and I may just be starting to open up to a romantic thread that's been brewing in the background somewhere. Don't know where this is going (or if it is going anywhere) quite yet, but for now, there is a mutual spark that fills me with quite some joy. I recently came out as a grey ace to quite a few people I know and they were very accepting and accomodating. Turns out, there are more of us out there as well. And there is also more of a platform for this nowadays. I appreciate that a lot.
Band project finally seems to be progressing after a grueling, touch-and-go five years of trying to find people me and my bass-player friend are able to work with (finding a drummer was especially tough). We are six people now, which is absolutely bonkers, but also quite exhllarating.
This thread is legit wholesome.
