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Old 12.11.2023, 08:46 AM   #1170
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Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
You're not surprised though, are you? Every country has one of these, and by and large they dig each other.
they maybe have a common enemy, it doesn't mean they have to be the same

latin america unfortunately suffers from a long history of the tyranny of good intentions, whereby if you say that you're for the poor you're given a pass for all sorts of atrocities. like, say, cuba, imprisoned. but fidel alphabetized the island! lol. and in venezuela, maduro susbidizes sardines! (and has exported 6 million refugees)

of course those left tyrants are the enemies of progress and prosperity. not that progress and prosperity don't come with their own problems, but it's easy to want the natives of some faraway land to reject science and modern goods and services while one enjoys all the comforts of technology and is on the winning side of global commerce. so no, latin america doesn't have to be just a tourist destination for rich gringos and europeans looking to slum it. latin america doesn't have to be "third world" . prosperity can happen with open markets, free enterprise, and the rule of law

but anyway, "the right" tends to band around in opposition of the left, but it doesn't mean they are the same necessarily. odd to see an authoritarian nazi spawn member of a marian cult hanging out too much with a globalist libertarian who has a rabbi and dislikes the pope lololol (although catholic right wingers preferred ratso and the polish guy before him. "anticommunists." but i digress.) there are lefts and lefts like there are rights and rights. those people are not the same, but they might have a common enemy, yes

and at this moment i just hope some economic liberalization can save argentina from their disgracefully impoverishing clusterfuck. that would be some real progress
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