Originally Posted by !@#$%!
what happened?
if it's art related, read nassim taleb about living in the antechamber of hope
it's tough...
Mostly art-related, also event-related. It's hard to reach people without aggressively directing attention to everything sometimes, and that is something so antithetical to anything I stand for. I try to adjust my expectations. But that doesn't always make it easier.
And there are things I've been actively working on for a while that, for one reason or another, seem to be stuck in constant limbo.
For instance, I've been trying to form a band with a great friend of mine for about five years now. We have an EP's worth of song concepts by now, but there are always issues with finding other people who will stick around and practice with us regularly or that are a good fit. The situation with prospective drummers has been particularly comical. I get this whole running joke in This Is Spinal Tap so much more now. They constantly spontaneously combust (well, not literally, but they bail out soon, are in too many other projects, have a tough time dealing with the concept that yes, we are a band with vocals, because we play songs, songs that we wrote, with LYRICS, novel concept!).
So, mainly just bitching about things. But in general, I feel like there's less of a platform for certain things than there used to be before. And it's noticeable.
Thanks for the recommendation. Will read into it. And thanks for lending an ear to those ramblings