enjoying a relaxing 3-day weekend today.
watched a bunch of movies...
a bit, oooof, corny at times, and some horrible music, but richard harris thundering in anger and laurence olivier in his soft-spoken oblivion make you forget the bad parts. of course his butchery of ireland is not forgotten, except by this movie...
the battle of britain
there's olivier again along a late-60s great cast. action movies back in the day, not being marred by ridiculous cgi explosions, were much better.
hearts of darkness
i had seen this before in a bad vhs tape i think so i didnt remember a lot. brilliant documentary. conclusion: the jungle makes european types crazy (see also: burden of dreams)
i've seen this a few times before and i still like it. very 90's--and shot in a bolex!
true story: once upon a time i wanted my apartment to look like that. it might yet happen hahahahahaa.