Originally Posted by !@#$%!
oh no lol. i would miss them...
oh wait, this is the movie thread!
https://imgur.com/FgiwTRT (nsfw for the office-bound)
judging by that gesture it would appear that she rejects your premise hahaha
btw, for a good french horror, watch "eyes without a face". classic, and much ripped off.
the wages of fear... not horror but nerve wracking. oh! rififi?! crime, and so good...,
it's true that in recent times they've been more miss than hit. but anything with monica bellucci in it is watchable hahaha.
oh, since you like watching people suffer, michael haneke is german but he' got some french productions...
for argentinian movies, try "wild tales" or "nine queens".
Seen Wild Tales, 'twas areet. The best Argy film is Terrified.
I'm familiar with Haneke and it's telling you mention him because his name popped into my head during Climax. I guess it's the similar way he treats drama to the French in general; important plot points are shown to be no more significant than any other part of their movies and are quickly ushered along. It's as if they are too cool to mull over potential
melodramatic aspects of the plot. The perfect comparison would be to imagine a scale with slop like Eastenders at one extreme being overblown cringe melodrama and at the polar opposite you have French cinema, too cool and unwilling to show any melodrama whatsoever, and like any extreme they are both awful but for different reasons. Having said that, I did like Hanekes' Funny Games fourth wall breaking fuck you to prevalent cliche film making. Also Benny's video get's props for the mindfuck of literally desensitising the viewer to animal slaughter in turn putting one in the same mindset as the lead which in summary is the ultimate fourth wall hack Gus Van Sant has wet dreams about.
I'm familiar with Billy Idol, cheers.
Watched an Oscar winning Chilean movie called A fantastic Woman which basically felt like a dated trans rights virtue signal.
And Kurosawa's Before We Vanish. Tremendous existential Kiyoshi as always.