ICUs in the state of Salzburg are already above capacity, Upper Austria is on the tipping point.
The former is operating by order of triage already - selecting which patients to take care of and which will have to wait/possibly die.
Meanwhile, the two coalition parties are at loggerheads with each other. The Conservative majority is still clinging to the populist route - not wanting to declare a harsh Lockdown for everyone - because they had promised that the pandemic was kind-of, sort-of over for the vaccinated. The minority coalition partner (the Green Party) however is listening to expert opinions and is pushing for harsher measures in light of current developments.
Everyone is projecting that soon enough, the reigning party will be forced to declare said Lockdown - not because they finally decided to listen to their partners, but because by that point, the cases will have exploded to a point that could damage their reputation.
And the cat riddled with worms chases its tail ... again.
