The real question is, why does it have to be
these fucking assholes. The GOP can lift a rock and find any number of mooks who want government to be minimized and abortion to be banned. But no; in addition, they just
have to be the Lindsey Grahams and Marco Rubios and Ted Cruces * of this world - wretched walking vomits who shamelessly pull the most disgusting 180šs I've seen in my life. And the obvious kicker: THEY KEEP GETTING REELECTED. HOW FUCKING STUPID IS THEIR FUCKING ELECTORATE. Fine, believe the Reagan bullshit that has fucked the United States up for forty years, but take a goddamn minute and ponder this for a change.
Too much to ask? It is, I know. And it happens everywhere - the fact that it's the U.S. amplifies it, but in my own country... eh, I'll leave that boring crap for another post.
(* In Spanish, the plural of "cruz" is "cruces", so don't give me shit over my spelling.
