Originally Posted by greenlight
found out about harmonia not that long ago myself. i stumbled upon 76 album, colab. between harmonia and brian eno. cool tracks...cool band.
i'm listening to this right now
and it's nice and pleasant and i had it on while reading a bit.
but doing a little digging i found out i own the earlier release as a cd... i bought it used ages ago and now it's buried somewhere. the back of it looks like this:
having the eno name on it made it less of a surprise when i got it years ago, and i spaced out the harmonia name because it's kinda common in classical music etc. but now having heard actual harmonia by themselves i understand better where it all was coming from... from them!
i have to say the earlier harmonia still blowing my mind. and later eno always great. so in a way they worked better separated than together? but it's a nice collaboration, and looks like the consequences were historically superimportant. i love this stuff, hybridizations and such.