Last night I saw that horrible NBC (That's the US National Broadcasting Cporporation, founded by Victor Sarnoff, student of Guglielmo Marconi who, in turn, was the great ripper-off of the work of the truly great Nicola Tesla!) show about Time Magazine's Man of the Year, in which they named Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as co-Persons of the Year, as they brought "healing to a wounded nation".
President Trump was not selected, despite his having led a campaign to create a vaccine for COVID-19 in record time, despite his having actively fostered peace in the Middle East by bypassing the Europeans and their support for Palestinian intransigency in favor of dealing with the conservative Arab states in arriving at peace deals with the State of Israel (in many cases, merely formalizing
de facto alliances which have existed since the 1970's!), and having created conditions for the lowest unemployment rates for African-Americans (since abolition), Latino-Americans, and women in US history, and having created the conditions for a gradual rise in real wages for the first time in over forty years, as well as ending US participation in wars which have bogged the US military down for almost 20 years.
You really chose well, Time magazine!