Originally Posted by Skuj
But how about a thread specifically for the Election? I think it is a useful idea. Predictions. Results. SCOTUS challenges. Civil War.
Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Tell you what, I'll do a bet with you. I bet you $50 and a packet of Doritos that absolutely NOTHING will come of this. Deal?
First, things are 1000% coming from this. Probably not for this Presidential outcome, but everything is up for scrutinization and I have no doubt changes will be made for future elections.
However, I’m down for a little action : )
The odds are too heavily in your favor for a straight up cash wager. Seriously, Biden is close to 86% favorite this 2nd Friday after the election. My counter proposal......if Joe Biden becomes president, you can pick any picture you want (non pornographic) and I’ll make it my SYG profile pic from January 20th (inauguration day) until February 20, 2021.
Again, because the odds are so heavily in your favor, if Cheeto finds a way to hold on to his presidency, I’ll pick a picture and you will make it your SYG profile pic until April 20th, 2021.
This is a 3/1 wager, let me know if we have action.
Edit: if looking for a even money wager......how about a one month banishment from Non-Sonics?
Inauguration Day January 20th - February 20th? The other three rooms would still be available, just no posting in Non-Sonics for one full month.