Originally Posted by tw2113
there is absolutely PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY TO LISTEN TO SCIENCE AND REASON that caused its own amount of deaths. He does get his fair share of responsibility because there is the coalition that will only listen if POTUS says so, but the rest should blame themselves for not taking proactive measures to help themselves and others.
i hear you there and personally i took matters into my own hands way above and beyond government requirements, local or otherwise.
nevertheless, libertarian attitudes quickly hit a wall when running into bad policies, because you can control yourself but you don’t control the environment— policies do.
so on your own you may choose to stay home and keep safe; but when you’re required to come to work to an unsafe place, and you have to choose between your life and making a living... and let’s say you live with 4 kids plus grandma who looks after them when you work... the situation gets a lot more complicated.
on your own you might choose to wear a mask but when nobody else around you wants to, it’s kind of pointless.
on your own you might want to get a test or a vaccine but there are none available.
government really has to count for something, and this trump clown shitshow has gone on long enough. biden might not be your perfect candidate but a little more science and reason go a long way.
south korea has 1% *of our death rate*. ‘nuff said.