Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Actually, those who protested against stay-at-home orders largely did so while driving around in automobiles, which constituted the practice of social distancing, and hardly numbered in the hundreds of thousands. Those who filled the streets in the hundreds of thousands were those peacefully protesting against the murder of George Floyd, with no observed ill effects.
Yet there was also much rioting attached to the George Floyd protests, which were largely confined to cities and states under liberal Democratic Party rule. My own city-state of Providence, Rhode Island (which is very nearly a city-state after the Greek and Mayan model) is run by a liberal Democrat who rules a bit like a middle-of-the-road Republican (with such exceptions as a barbaric abortion bill and a "Domestic Violence Prevention Act" which seems to me to be more of an attempt to disarm recent military veterans). When the Massachusetts State Police detected a plan to burn our Statehouse down (which would have been difficult seeing as it's built almost entirely of stone!), she pulled out all the law-enforcement stops to prevent that from happening, and the city has been quiet since (save for a gang war which has caused five homicides within the last two weeks, but that's par for the course around here). The bottom line is, she didn't shut down manufacturing (thus greatly limiting the economic impact of the shutdown), and the state has since recovered MOST of the jobs lost due to the shutdown.
Jesus Christ, mate, be quiet with your “actuallys” …
There were more protests than the ones you saw on TV (where people were still — ACTUALLY — congregating, often maskless, in and out of vehicles, sometimes WITH LOADED WEAPONRY, bitching about not being able to get haircuts).
Sure, some folks were in cars. Lot of them weren’t. They were still openly rallying against fucking SAFETY. Or they were piling onto beaches or having parties, and people fucking died because of it.
Don’t “actually” me, dude.
Meanwhile, in every piece of footage I’ve seen from BLM protests, masks and other PPE were worn (as long as people weren’t actively streaming and crying from being gassed or shot).
In any case, you’re making a complete tool of yourself by pretending the right to bitch about wanting to ignore public health guidelines is the same as wanting justice for YET ANOTHER innocent, unarmed black man murdered in cold blood by police.
I’m not even gonna stop by here if this shit keeps coming up. I have enough of these debates with morons in real life to deal with it on a forum like this, where people should honestly know better (be better?).