Originally Posted by !@#$%!
anyway i just watched marriage story. very fucking good! i mean great story. and wow, darth vader can really act, and he sings too.
also was nice to see glorious scarlett outside of a superhero movie and not as a bombshell. i mean she’s hot as fuck, but with that haircut and crying at times looked like thurston lololollolol.

This was extremely good.
Both of them can act like crazy. And this was a tough scenario. Lots of up-close shots and earnestness and so on. I thought I saw the illusion break a bit during one of Scarlett’s monologues, but otherwise they both did magnificently
Pretty heartbreaking film, too.
Again, Noah B. — like Wes Anderson, minus the omnipresent absurdity — comes close to hitting Salingeresque notes of genius family dynamics.