Originally Posted by Skuj
Here's looking at Bg5xNf6, kid.
(You were hoping I'd do pxp, weren't you, Bitch?)

you're confusing me with someone else and this is why i don't like "sport". that above is pissing me off, so...
here I am...
drunk again at 3 a.m. at the end of my 2nd bottle
of wine, I have typed from a dozen to 15 pages of
an old man
maddened for the flesh of young girls in this
dwindling twilight
liver gone
kidneys going
pancrea pooped
top-floor blood pressure
while all the fear of the wasted years
laughs between my toes
no woman will live with me
no Florence Nightingale to watch the
Johnny Carson show with
if I have a stroke I will lay here for six
days, my three cats hungrily ripping the flesh
from my elbows, wrists, head
the radio playing Qd8xf6...
(etc etc)