Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
I've already shown how the corporate media  
Donald Trump touts chloroquine as a coronavirus 'cure' AGAIN at White House briefing despite man dying in Arizona from self-medicating – and Dr. Tony Fauci is absent from the dais
https://news.google.com/stories/CAAqOQgKIjNDQklTSURvSmMzUnZjbmt0TXpZd1NoTUtFUWlCbn Vpdmo0QU1FUkdzby0tWDljbVBLQUFQAQ?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen
Yeah Schunk, your "wartime" guy's a very stable genius. He's the PRESIDENT, with an ENORMOUS responsibility, and he's saying to the country that it "looks very, very good" to take shit used for CLEANING FISH TANKS.
As for the video of Fauci you "kindly" invite me to watch, the guy wasn't even there this time.