Originally Posted by EVOLghost
If shit really hits the fan [...]
Originally Posted by ilduclo
Yeah, my gym’s closed for who knows how long. Was going 3 days a week for an hour. I have a pretty nice home gym, but going to the center kept me working at it longer... 
I've never been to a gym in my whole damn life. Never had any gym paraphernalia at home either. Got out of PE in high school (suckers!). Still slim as ever. Good metabolism and not that much food, I guess. Lotsa Coke, though.
Hey, is anybody else having dismal internet speed? I bet you do - it's because everybody's holed up at home using the AlGoreWebs! People, get out to the yard or the sidewalk for a bit, kick a football around and pretend you can bend it like Parminder Nagra or someone. It ain't gonna kill ya (I don't think)!