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Old 06.13.2019, 09:14 AM   #5606
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!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses
Originally Posted by demonrail666
I'm no more interested in tearing down Peterson's claims about climate or lobsters than I am in building them up. I'm not particularly interested in them at all.

but that is part and parcel of his whole cult. “lobsters therefore hierarchies therefore gender is binary and simple therefore i know it all”. and his arbitrary dismissals of climate change disqualify his “love of science” claims.

Originally Posted by demonrail666
However his points about how an intolerant strain of liberalism is impacting on universities do interest and resonate with me. He has his own agenda around stuff like social hierarchy that I could care less about and on certain other issues I'd say he's flat out wrong, but I stand by much of what he's saying about campus politics.

well ok, but let’s address two things here

one, he’s not talking about liberalism. he claims he himself is a liberal (even though he’s really a conservative. “classical liberal” they call themselves). his purported enemy is neo-marxist postmodernism.

two, picking him as a champion of free speech is like picking hitler as a champion of environmentalism. sure, the nazis had some great conservation laws, but their example is tainted by the spirit of the whole enterprise. i can understand why he gets picketed.

Originally Posted by demonrail666
Although even there, on certain points, I think he's also wrong (his over-emphasis on the marxian roots of postmodernism, for example) but not in a way that I believe undermines his basic observation about attacks on free-speech within universities.

because he knows everything, he sees a connection between totalitarian marxist governments of the XX century and current strains of postmodern activism. don’t argue with him! this is ridiculous! (satire, satire...)

that is the problem with the guy. he’s a dry drunk: the alcoholic who doesn’t drink. sure, he stays away from the bottle, but he’s still driven by the maniacal need to avoid shame by being right all the time. same as donnie the narcissist, another dry drunk.

you need a better champion. this one is like a dog covered in wet shit: when he shakes himself off to dry up he sprays everyone around him

Originally Posted by demonrail666
I'd say the bulk of his online fanbase (bordering on a cult) relates more to his stuff on masculinity, which I don't really have an interest in, than to what he's saying about universities.

yeah but he’s a bit of a package deal. not that the ideas can’t be sorted out. they can be. he has some good ideas (not very original ones). but the association with him diminishes from the argument at this point.

Originally Posted by demonrail666
I was actually disappointed with his 12 Rules book because it was pretty much just a self help guide,

actually it’s a decent guide in some regards—get your shit together, put your house in order, have a healthy routine, work your way up the chain, etc. over the past few months i’ve been corresponding with a friend who was going through some tough times. i basically suggested some steps culled from those ideas (without mentioning the source) and she’s doing tons better. peterson would not be a bad shrink to have for some people. most shrinks are crazy anyway, you just need the crazy that is right for you at a particular juncture. of course, he has limits.

Originally Posted by demonrail666
when I was hoping for more on the one area he's associated with (censorship within universities) that I find him very good on and have an interest in, but which is really only a small part of what he does - and an increasingly insignificant one, compared with the other stuff I tend to ignore.

right. instead he’s threatened to blacklist people lmao. targets for the psychotics who follow him.

i would not tie myself to his bandagon. it’s bound to go off a cliff.

yes yes, mussolini made the trains run on time and everyone could get a free haircut in the piazza... i’ve heard that before.

you need better allies.
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