Originally Posted by demonrail666
Yeah, they do, and over the course of a season I still say there's essentially nothing in it.
Look at the middle of the table. West Ham are a point behind Watford with 2 goals difference between them. They're where they are on merit but how is anyone meant to unravel their respective seasons to see where West Ham fell short of Watford? A goal here, a decision there.
hm, i don't really know watford, so i couldn't tell you, but the reason i like the table format over the playoff system of american sports (tables first, cup in the end) is that it demands a consistent performance over the course of a season rather than random luck.
and yes there is an element of randomness in everything, but the law of averages tends to prevail, especially over the long run.
one thing is man city beating liverpool 2 to 1 in january. fine, a fluke.
but with the 4 ties liverpool suffered in the spring, they shat the bed.
and maybe it's wear and tear from grinding out such a long and busy season.
Originally Posted by demonrail666
None, insofar as they'd break without them, but ones who I think they feel most when they're not there are Fernandinho and, I have to say, Aguero.
ah yeah el kun really can bring man city out of a slump. i haven't watched fernandinho so much.
and i don't superfollow man city, but my impression of them is that everyone is fairly replaceable, whereas liverpool really suffers when missing starters.
it would be interesting to find the stats to see what is the average time played per game by each team's starters.
i'd suspect liverpool might show something resembling a power distribution (asymptotic) while man city would be closer to a normal (bell) curve. this would explain wear and tear in the 2nd half of the season.
at this level of success liverpool should start looking at poaching players not just from smaller teams, but also from man u, chelsea, arsenal, etc. so that they could become more resilient.
e.g., i think adding aubameyang to their front 3 would allow for a sublime and permanently deadly rotation that would fucking cream any defense.
i mean, if you were the boston red sox, who would you buy this summer?
Originally Posted by demonrail666
That sounds like something H8kurdt might've said. I don't usually criticise managers for disrespecting the FA Cup, especially if they're going for bigger trophies.
oh yes! it was him lol. just checked. yeah.