Originally Posted by !@#$%!
oh you're giving money to the people who fired you? wow you're waaaaay nicer and more forgiving than i am. i guess i don't understand the whole story of why they said no more to you.
and glad your party ended well!
as for snapshots, just very curious about the 600 year old ceiling... like you i am often mesmerized by architecture
They didn't exactly fire me. It's more like a communal place where I could host my events at. In turn, I made sure that there were enough beverages to accomodate the guests. And more often than not I also took over the bar duty with a bud of mine when it was not my turn to spin. Still go there every now and then. I also got the chance to exhibit some of my works there time and time again. I think they overdid it with the parties in general. Earlier this year, my event wasn't the only party to be held there. In fact, some people complained that any old gathering would frequently bleed into loud, hedonistic nights. That's a problem for an art space that is situated in the basement of a residential building. Neighbors complaining and shit.
Plus, as I found out now, their electrical bill (and rent I suppose) had been in arrears for quite some time. Then there's a lot of in-fighting and quarrel over the use of the space. The two main people have quite different views. One of them is arguing for a more structural approach, the other one wants a completely free space, granted with unspoken do's and dont's but without the dogma of imposed rules - in a sense orderly anarchy if that makes any sense. And there's a lot of tension.
Plus, there have been problems with the fact that new people went in and out of that place on a regular basis (things getting stolen; questionable people showing up and antagonising patrons, things getting broken and no one admitting to it, etc...) which were not necessarily related to my events, but made them less eager to have an "open house" on such a frequent basis anymore. So they started saying no to pretty much any new proposal of a bigger party and finally said no to mine as well. At first I felt a bit sad, but after some time I saw that it might for the best to continue elsewhere. They had and in some way still have to worry about a lot of things and had to get their shit together first (saying that with love). And like one of the main guys told me: "We don't even know, if we still have electricity in April, so you're probably better off looking for another place.". Thankfully, the worst case scenario was averted and they seem to be on a better road now.
Also: The time that has passed since they initially told me actually made me come to the conclusion that it was time to look for another place anyway. I love the place, but the preparations during the last few events were exhausting and standing at the bar if you're DJing and managing the whole evening is not something I'd like to repeat. I'd rather go there to draw or to visit one the exhibitions/and or performances than be involved as a host these days. Wow, that was a lot now. It's a complicated story though, so there's that