Originally Posted by !@#$%!
so hateful eight isn’t satire either yes? cuz after 5 minutes of n-words i just turned it off
im not a snowflake but that shit was just gratuitous. not sure why capital one man consents.
I don’t actually remember a ton of N-word stuff in that one, but I’ve only seen it once.
It is a historical piece, though, so hard to really take issue with it.
And I’m not saying Reservoir Dogs is satire. I think it’s embryonic Tarantino, before he learned to reel in his impulses to shock.
I’m saying Tarantino would probably argue that it is commentary because it sounds better than the truth.
Anyway, I think most of his movies actually have a fair amount of social commentary, so I’m not really sure what the Natural Born Killers remark was about but oh well. Haven’t seen it in forever.