Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
Its odd that Tarantino has never made/written another movie that felt like Natural Born Killers. A movie that was certainly of its time. I know/heard he wasn't exactly happy with Oliver Stone's finished film in the end, but seeing as he did write the thing, Tarantino himself has never really put similar social commentary/satire in his movies. I have no idea if Once Upon a Time In Hollywood will be a return to that type of writing for him or not.
I don’t actually remember Natural Born Killers wel enough to know exactly what you’re talking about, but he did write True Romance. ... which I also don’t remember very well now that I think about it.
Tarantino himself would probably argue that Reservoir Dogs is social commentary/satire, but the truth is that it’s just a really egotistical young man’s attempt to shock with racially charged dialogue that simply has not aged well.
But I’m stoked for the new one because BRAD PITT.
I love Brad Pitt. I know full well that he’s not the world’s greatest actor, but he’s one of the most naturally compelling and fun to watch. He kind of just *is Brad Pitt* in most movies these days, but damned if it isn’t a pleasure to watch.