Originally Posted by !@#$%!
like farage.
I wouldn't call Nigel Farage a politician as such. He's an agitator at best. We have our very own version of douchebags like that in Italy right now in our own government with Di Maio and Salvini. Two people who know that pointing their finger at specific targets, be they immigrants, the EU, or anything from outer space, will get them the attention they feel will advance their perceived charisma in the popularity polls. Italy, as you may have previously read, is in recession once more and has the weakest union activity we've seen in decades. I do think the tide will change because eventually all this stuff will need to end because of actual problems that have been avoided one way or another for a long time. And I think, in a way, delivering the no deal, hostile environment Brexit Theresa May really wants could be beneficial for this country because then you have nothing else to blame but your own policies. Nevermind the silly trade deals with Commonwealth countries. The irony is that I feel if the same referendum happened in Italy right now most Italians would vote to leave too. That's how fucked things are at the moment.