Thanks, guys.
Several things right now. The paper I handed in turned out to be alright. That's a mighty relief. I also found a location for my next event. It's only a temporary solution, I'm still on the lookout for something more permanent, but it's a good feeling not be sans venue in April. And it's a plus that it happens to be a cavern-like venue, throwing a lot of atmosphere into the mix.
And I'm kind of eyeing taking a trip to NYC in summer. It's been six years since my last visit and right now I'm still in a position where I can afford it. I don't know if that's the case in a year or two, so might as well take the opportunity when I still can. Browsed through several Airbnb and cheapo hotel options yesterday. This only sparked my wish to give it a shot again and gave me those warm and fuzzies that are tinged with memories. Still not 100% certain, but I'm heavily leaning towards a "yes" on that matter. And that's something to look forward to.
