Originally Posted by demonrail666
Not me. I might've seen the 1st sequel, years ago, but it left no impression.
You must spread more reputation before giving it to Mr Greenwood again.
Maybe you were watching the Phantasm movies or something. I still need to see all those.
Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Seeing as it's a shot for shot remake it's begs the question of what's the point. From what I can remember is that there's the added scene where he's watching her undress and they make explicit the fact he's masturbating. Why? COS ITS THE 90S WE CAN DO THIS SHIT NOW! Alt the end of the remake you're just left thinking "what was the point?". It's like listening to a cover of the Beatles. Sure it's ok, but I'd rather just listen to the Beatles instead.
As for the sequels, I remember seeing one with Jeremy Irons on ch5 when I was about 12 (before I'd seen the original actually). It's basically him recounting his story to a radio DJ or something. The only scene I remember is him rolling around with his mum on the floor and she berates him when he gets a boner. 12 year old me who had just started puberty was confused as hell at that scene. I'm sure Freud would have had a field day with that one.
Hahaha, I really need to rewatch both the OG and the remake again. Admittedly I could be blinded by my need to be a contrarian, and my soft spot for Vince Vaughn and Van Sant in general.
Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Wasn't there a blatant remake of Rear Window with Shia Lebeef? 2007 I think it was or something around that. As usually happens with remakes it quickly got forgotten and the original is the one people go back to.
Nah, that's Disturbia. Just a knockoff of Rear Window. Shia plays a bad kid on house arrest who's perving on the hot girl next door through binoculars
Its sorta like Body Double w that dude who looks eerily like Bill Maher
Hitchcock is brilliant no doubt, but I think dudes like DePalma and Argento who learned a fair share of his tricks ultimately ended up making more enjoyable filma.
They're certainly sleazier. I enjoy sleaze.