Originally Posted by demonrail666
There's a paywall for that article but I imagine it's about Corbyn drawting flack from his party and supporters over his less than transparant views on the EU.
Most Labour MPs and almost all of Corbyn's core support-base are vehemently pro-Remain while a very large percentage of traditional Labour voters, who really don't like Corbyn at all, voted to Leave. That was a problem in and of itself but it's complicated even further by the nagging suspicion that Corbyn was actually pro-Leave all along but remained silent about it to keep the 'Corbynistas' on side and the Party (at least in terms of its MPs) united.
yes! the article says he's been consistenty anti-EU since 1975. the newspaper is not saying he's drawing flack for it-- they're saying he has to triangulate more than the clintons ever did in order to appease his constituents. basically he's a proto-commie whereas majority of his young followers are remainers.
i am trying to figure out if i can trust this publication ha ha ha ha ha. i am generally in line with their ideas although i'm an absolute proletarian. but so far so good!
they don't talk too extensively about the "traditional labour voters who wanted to leave" so thanks for adding that.
everything with a grain of salt, you know. i've never been a man of faith, haaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaaaa