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Old 01.30.2019, 06:43 PM   #23508
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Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson

Pretty cool actually. *Spoilers ahead*

I had no idea who Doomsday was as a character, but had heard of the 'Death of Superman' as a comic arc from the 90's (I think?) Still, what the hell was Doomsday - just some alien from a pregnant asteroid? - and why did he have the exact powers as Superman? Like he seriously whipped all of Justice League's asses in this movie. Maybe i missed something while wrestling my dog away from our new feline friends.

What's the deal with Lex Luthor? I thought he was a villain? Sorta like a Kingpin (Wilson Fisk) kinda dude. But I guess he just is super jealous of Superman and wants to be a hero? He's a rich scientist guy right?

Loved Supes' Christ-like resurrection. Laughed my balls off when Clark Kent revealed to Lois Lane he was Superman by simply taking off his glasses. Saw Superman build his Fortress of Solitude in the post-credits sequence, and saw him forging a Superman emblem made of metal... I had an action figure like that once...


Nonetheless, I'm suddenly more interested in Superman as a character, and his surrounding universe.

Glad you’re interested in the always awesome and constantly underrated Superman. We can talk any time. Remember, I’m starting a religion based on the guy.


Re: Doomsday

There are answers to your questions, but I’m not sure why they weren’t covered in the movie (which I haven’t seen). But basically, Doomsday — this version anyway — is from a prehistoric race of creatures that were like predators to Kryptonians. Like, they exist only to feed on energy and destroy shit, and Kryptonians were their big game. I forget the specifics, but I think Doomsday is the sole survivor of the race and sensed Supes and came at him across the cosmos after some extended hibernation period.

There are other versions, but that’s roughly the backstory associated with THE Doomsday that killed Superman in 1992.

Doomsday scared me as a kid. He tore through the whole DC world like a hurricane and that freaked me out.

I have the Comic too. Worthless of course.
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