Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
You're just jealous that if you went for anyone my age you'd get called a creep. 
I WOULD be a creep, so that's fair.
Originally Posted by !@#$%!
if im depressed or angry or whatever the last thing i want is some smug, chippy motherfucker trying to lord it over me with “positivity”.
Does that happen often? I guess I understand the personality type you're talking about, but I don't have many people like that in my life.
I'm not chippy. Just not depressed at the moment. But I'm familiar with the malady, so people come to me. I don't even really give advice. I just listen to people moan and say "Yes. I understand. I've been there."
Originally Posted by Antagon
Compassion is awesome. I've just seen it being abused every now and then.
Yeah. I'm probably coming off as a self-absorbed asshole, but in some cases I have gone from "being there" to "be there always for me or else."
Originally Posted by Antagon
I'm working on it.