jesus h. christ. work is too goddamn tedious.
i was up all night last night, which given the current state of my health is probably not very intelligent of me, and then right around 11:30 am i said 'fuck it' and got completely shitfaced and passed out on the couch down here in my lair until SOMEONE decided it would be funny to piss me off and turn on the who to wake me up. let it be known that if there is any band that i hate more than the who, it's the fucking smashing pumpkins. so i've been up for the past 5-6 hours filling out forms for mail order, sending my minions out to mail them, cutting deals with people on the phone, ordering merchendise online (none of this, of course, at my own expense. i am doing this because i'm not interested in getting fired.) etc etc etc. things that most of you little vermin would find to be new and exciting in your boring daily lives. i cannot wait for ATP.
now someone go get me a bucket of KFC, please.