Originally Posted by !@#$%!
cigarettes are like catholicism
once hooked you're in it forever
i will ALWAYS be a smoker
(even if smokes make me puke these days)
fucksakes i could use a cigarette right now haaa haaa haaa
I’ve been on the verge of being cigarette free for like seven years. I only smoke once in the morning before work, once at night after work — right after I wake up and right before I go to bed.
Was a pack-a-day guy for years, and I figured it would be easy to ween down to to nothing from next to nothing.
Spoiler: It’s actually harder with cigarettes for some reason.
I’ve had to ween myself down from pain medications following aforementioned accidents and surgeries... rather large doses... and that — the thing that’s responsible for a national epidemic — was easier by FUCKING MILES than going from 2 cigs/day to 0 cigs a day.
I’m afraid I’m going to light-smoke myself to death because I want to smash things when I go without those wee little bumps.