Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
I'm by no means a health freak, but I think I'm doing pretty well for myself (I eat vegetables, go for walks regularly).
If anything I'm actually too skinny (I fit just at the bottom of average), and I have no upper body strength. Which is something I try not to think about, because it usually gets me down.
Haven't missed a day of school sick since sixth grade. 
Keep it up. Don't forget protein also though, you can't build strength without it. The trick is to just eat real food. Avoid processed garbage.
Try pushups or small dumbells, even just a few. Little by little you'll make progress if you stick with it. It's like playing guitar or something yknow? I have more fun doing strength exercises than I ever imagined. Also if you're 16 you should still be growing which will help you build quickly... I think. Idk I've always been insecure about my lack of musculature. I wished I had started taking it seriously early on. Strength is important.
But I'm glad to hear you're doing well also. I just want everyone to be happy and shit.