Originally Posted by Hip Priest
I can appreciate that, certainly - I'm sure the logistics are horrendous, and I think it's quite an acievement that everything gets managed at all. But having said that, councils are there for exactly that purpose, and we would all be much better served if, instead of a constant and continuous glut of new regulations emanating from central government, we just took a period (six months, maybe) where we looked at all of the regulations, and dropped or modified those that were failing, or whose sole purpose is power.
I'm afraid I'm a libertarian who feels that taking my money and using it to impose rules and restrictions on me is something of an imposition in the first place. I'm all for local bodies serving the local people, though, as long as it is all done with a view of serving efficiently and wisely.
I'll have to return to this thread tomorrow, I must sleep now, but this certainly merits a lengthy response.
Meanwhile, someone keep bumping this so I don't forget.