hahahaha i didnt know the red devil business—i was paraphrasing blake on milton, sorta.
yeah theyre not completely out of the shitter. this is precisely where the herd mentality irks me. yesterday it was all bad. today it is all good. of course neither lolololol. they barely scraped today.
but yeah i do still like villains some. i wish the bastard well. same as milton’s satan.
my fave team so far liverpool. so entertaining.
and wolves tomorrow!
man city is great, but it seems somehow too great. i had that problem with bayern in bundesliga because their games held no interest eventually. will it be 2-0 or 4-0 or 6-0?and so i followed them mostly for champions league and then they’d be matched with an europa team. so little challenge. dortmund became the interesting one for me.
anyway im rambling now